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Where to find daily dollar volume in Finviz screener?

Original question: Do you have a screenshot of your basic quality screen settings on finviz? I’m a little confused about daily dollar volume.

Daily dollar volume is price multiplied by average volume (50d moving average). I want to know how much money is changing hands each day in a stock. When daily dollar volume aka liquidity is too low for my account balance, I have to skip the trade. My rule is that I am not allowed to put on more than 5% of the daily dollar volume of the respective stock. I sometimes also check the chart for volume dry-up days. If those days have extremely low daily dollar volume I might even reduce my initial position size in order to avoid getting trapped in a narrow exit door if things turn sour.

Here is my basic Finviz wide screen. You shoul split this one in two seperate screens, one with EPS growth next year >30% and leaving sales Q/Q blank and one with sales Q/Q >30%, leaving EPS growth next year blank.


and the code directly:


On Finviz you navigate to screener and then click on Save screen in the dropdown menu:

Your screener overview will open up with a new screen marked in yellow at the top. Here you copy & paste the code from above, assign a name and click save at the bottom.

Recall that daily dollar volume and effective market cap have to be calculated manually. However you can simply use our Stock Quality Checker, which is doing that for you.


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