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Have you ever considered using stop loss orders outside market hours?

No never! It makes no sense to place trades outside of market hours as there is not enough liquidity to truly find the correct price direction. It is basically a giant mosh pit and I don’t want to be involved in this at all.

When a stock gaps down overnight exceeding my stop loss level I exit right at the open the next day. No need to try getting out at a slightly better price. Stock flashed a red flag and I exit to be ready to engage with fresh opportunity elsewhere. In the end a trade is a data point and single trades don’t have a huge impact on performance if you stick to your stops.

I adopted a ZEN like approach over time where I focus all of my attention on mastering the “simple” concepts rather than adding complexity. I don’t do options, futures, out-of-session trading or intraday +200% margin.


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