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Thweis Market Letter (Weekly)

We sent out a weekly market letter to all subscribers. It’s the condensed summary of our own weekend routine including stocks to put on your watchlist as well as a general market comment. A indispensable primer for the trading week ahead.

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The content provided by Thweis does not constitute financial advice, guidance or recommendation to make or not to make any transaction, investment or decision in the context of financial markets. The content provided is impersonal, non-binding and not tailored to any particular individual user, trader or business. For this reason, we encourage you to seek professional financial advice before making any investment decision. Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Trading involves inherent risks, including the loss of your Investment capital or even beyond that. Past market performance is not indicative of future results. Any investment is solely at your own risk, you assume full responsibility. Read more in our full risk disclaimer.