The ZYCLE trading method
You are about to learn how the various techniques and ideas I employ in my everyday trading come together to form my holistic process of making money trading stocks. It reveals the immense synergy of a handfull well-defined, hard-learned and time-tested aspects of technical analysis, money management and trading psychology.
A list of stock market related acronyms
This is a list of the various stock market related acronyms I use mostly on my Twitter page. Please refer to the list to better understand my tweets and stock ideas.
The Pyramid of Stock Trading Success
In this article we look at the importance of each piece of the trading puzzle and provide a blueprint for building a solid systematic foundation first so that you can effectively dedicate yourself to the hard-to-learn skills as soon as possible.
This is why the Supercycle in Tech boosts my Trading
This big picture based on the technological supercycle helps me maintain a long bias in my trading so that I can seize opportunity when others are full of fear.